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Build C Language Library for Android


Android apps are written in Java, Java have provide JNI(Java Native Interface) to call or be called by native applications and libraries written in other language such as C/C++ and assembly. Android provide NDK(Native Development Kit) to support native development in C/C++.

1.Installing NDK

The NDK can be download from Android Developer Website. After downloaded, we get an archive package, unpack it to whereever you want, and replace the full path with <NDK-Path> in below.

2.Use Mobile Print Project as an example

Step 0: Read /docs/OVERVIEW.html is helpful to understand the below steps.

Step 1: Create a project directory named "exampleProject", and a subdir named "jni", copy the C/C++ code to "jni"

exampleProject can be change whatever you want

Step 2: Create a file named "Android.mk", contains is likely as follow:

LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := PMX_MobilePrinter
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := test.c \

The last line means, the output will be a static library, BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY is for shared library.

3.Build for different platform

By default, the library is build for arm.Platforms are define in file "Application.mk" under jni directory, contains as follow:

APP_ABI := all

We need build for all platform, so the value after APP_ABI is all, which can be changed to armabi/armabi-v7a/x86/mips. Need to support different platform one time, just write as below, split with blank space.

APP_ABI := armabi armabi-v7a x86 mips

4.Build the library

Go to the "jni", run build command /ndk-build in Terminal(Mac/Linux)/CMD(Windows). Then you will find our library in exampleProject/obj/local/<PlatformName>/libPMX_MobilePrinter.a. Build shared library is placed in exampleProject/libs/<PlatformName>/libPMX_MobilePrinter.so.