- Sun 03 July 2016
- Programming
Android apps are written in Java, Java have provide JNI(Java Native Interface) to call or be called by native applications and libraries written in other language such as C/C++ and assembly. Android provide NDK(Native Development Kit) to support native development in C/C++.
1.Installing NDK
The NDK can be download from Android Developer Website. After downloaded, we get an archive package, unpack it to whereever you want, and replace the full path with <NDK-Path>
in below.
2.Use Mobile Print Project as an example
Step 0: Read
Step 1: Create a project directory named "exampleProject", and a subdir named "jni", copy the C/C++ code to "jni"
exampleProject can be change whatever you want
Step 2: Create a file named "Android.mk", contains is likely as follow:
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := PMX_MobilePrinter
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := test.c \
The last line means, the output will be a static library, BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY is for shared library.
3.Build for different platform
By default, the library is build for arm.Platforms are define in file "Application.mk
" under jni directory, contains as follow:
APP_ABI := all
We need build for all platform, so the value after APP_ABI is all
, which can be changed to armabi/armabi-v7a/x86/mips
. Need to support different platform one time, just write as below, split with blank space.
APP_ABI := armabi armabi-v7a x86 mips
4.Build the library
Go to the "jni", run build command exampleProject/obj/local/<PlatformName>/libPMX_MobilePrinter.a
. Build shared library is placed in exampleProject/libs/<PlatformName>/libPMX_MobilePrinter.so